Silver Ramparts

Lumineaux: The city of Light

Sam M
Sam M

During their month-long trip to the capital, Tuli shares with the party that she has received a letter from Kathy. Excitement dances in her eyes as she relays the heartfelt words written by the young and energetic girl. Tuli's voice brims with warmth and joy as she recounts the updates and expressions of gratitude from Kathy, filling their journey with a sense of connection and fond anticipation for their reunion.

Dear Tuli,

I hope this letter finds you in good health and spirits. I wanted to express my heartfelt gratitude for everything you and Lady Gabriella have done for me. Please find enclosed an embroidered handkerchief. It serves as a small token of my appreciation and a reminder of your kindness.

I want to share the wonderful news that my sight has been restored, thanks to the efforts of Lady Gabriella. I can now read again, and it fills me with immense joy and excitement. The world has opened up before me in a whole new way, and I am eager to devour books and stories once more.

I would also like to extend my deepest thanks to Lady Gabriella for her generous offer to visit the capital in the future and explore the grand library. The thought of being surrounded by countless books and endless knowledge fills my heart with anticipation. It would be a dream come true, and I cannot wait for that opportunity.

Madam Pomfrys continues to visit and check up on me almost daily. Her care and attention have been invaluable, and I am grateful for her guidance as I adjust to my restored sight. Her visits seem to have a positive effect on my father, and he no longer turns to drink as much. It seems that the return of my sight has brought a renewed sense of hope and happiness to our household. We are rebuilding our bond, and I cherish these moments of peace and connection with him.

However, I must admit that along with my restored sight, I have been experiencing peculiar dreams. They often involve a mysterious black shard appearing in strange and distant locations. The dreams feel vivid and almost prophetic, but I cannot make sense of them just yet. I will share more details when we meet in person.

Once again, thank you, Tuli, for your unwavering support and for being a guiding light in my life. Please convey my deepest gratitude to Lady Gabriella as well. I look forward to our next meeting and the adventures that lie ahead.

With much love and appreciation,


Accompanying the letter was a delicate handkerchief, its fabric adorned with a mesmerizing symbol etched in intricate detail. The mysterious symbol seemed to whisper tales of ancient lore and hidden meanings, capturing the curiosity of those who laid eyes upon it. Its enigmatic design stirred a sense of wonder and intrigue, leaving the recipients eager to unravel the secrets concealed within its delicate threads.

Lady Camden, her voice laced with a hint of intrigue, leaned in closer to the party and shared a discreet piece of information. She revealed that the mayor of Espy had been ousted from his office, a result of the recent turmoil in the town. However, Lady Camden's words carried a note of shrewdness as she mentioned the mayor's advantageous marital alliance with a member of the influential Graskill family. She explained that despite his removal from power, the mayor was not destined to be forgotten. Given his familial ties and connections, it was highly likely that he would soon find himself comfortably settled in a position of influence within the capital city. Lady Camden's words hinted at the intricate web of politics and alliances that governed the realm, where even those seemingly toppled from their positions could find a way to rise again.

As the party entered the grand city of Lumineaux, the air crackled with an electric sense of anticipation. Lumineaux, the capital city of light, stands as a radiant jewel and a beacon of unwavering stability in the realm. Nestled amidst lush valleys and surrounded by majestic mountains, this grand metropolis embodies the essence of hope and enlightenment. Its towering spires and gleaming white architecture, adorned with intricate carvings and delicate filigree, reflect the mastery of Human craftsmanship.

The city's streets, lined with radiant lanterns that illuminate the night sky, bustle with the harmonious blend of Human inhabitants and visitors from far-flung lands. Lumineaux is renowned for its extensive libraries, where ancient tomes and scrolls hold the accumulated knowledge of ages. Scholars and seekers of wisdom from across Middle-earth flock to its hallowed halls, eager to uncover the secrets of the world.

They were led through the opulent halls of the royal palace, adorned with shimmering tapestries and exquisite sculptures. Finally, they arrived at the magnificent King's Audience Chamber, where a grand ceremony awaited them. The chamber echoed with the resounding voices of nobles and courtiers, their praises filling the air as they hailed the 12th prince's triumphant achievements in the town of Espy.

As the echoes faded, the party was escorted to a more intimate chamber, where a magnificent table awaited them. Seated around it were the illustrious king, surrounded by his 13 children, each bearing the mark of their unique personalities. In attendance were a select few courtiers, including Lady Camden, Tuli, and the esteemed members of the party. With grace and eloquence, Lady Camden presented a thorough debrief to the king, ensuring to express gratitude to the courageous non-human adventurers whose invaluable contributions had played a vital role in the success of the mission.

Lester the Jester

After the debriefing, the king, seeking to lighten the mood, summoned the court jester to entertain the assembly. The jester, a master of wit and theatrics, took center stage and presented a play that depicted a grand rivalry between a light prince and a dark prince vying for the throne. The comedic performance enthralled the audience as it unfolded, filled with lively banter and exaggerated gestures. However, as the play reached its climax, the unexpected twist left the room in stunned silence. The shadow puppetry took a dark turn, culminating in a gruesome demise for both princes, their shredded figures symbolizing the tragic consequences of their conflict. The king, in contrast, bellowed with laughter, finding amusement in the unexpected turn of events. The princes, however, wore somber expressions, their mirth subdued by the grim reminder of the perils of power.

The party had the opportunity to meet some of the heirs to the throne, each showcasing their unique personalities. The naval prince, known for his boisterous nature, jovially raised his glass and shared in the revelry with the group, regaling them with tales of his maritime adventures. The princess of hearth, with warmth in her eyes, delighted the party with special treats from the royal laboratory, showcasing her chemistry skills. Meanwhile, the secretarial princess, renowned for her sharp wit and intelligence, engaged them in conversation, providing valuable information with a touch of sass. She confided in them her belief that there was a method to the king's madness, as he showed genuine affection only towards his children, having little interest in maintaining relationships with women outside of fulfilling his duty to produce heirs. The mothers of the heirs, she revealed, resided in a separate castle, removed from the kids and the royal court, living a more secluded life.

Brother Bradshaw

After a restful night's sleep, the party awoke to a new day filled with intrigue and challenges. Their morning took an unexpected turn when they found themselves caught up in a disastrous encounter with Brother Bradshaw, a zealous monk with questionable intentions. After nearly murdering the loudmouthed Preacher they brought him to the Grand Church of Light.
Upon arriving at the grand church, they were introduced to a formidable figure, the 2nd princess. Towering at an impressive height of 8 feet, she emanated strength and power. Clad in heavy plate armor and wielding a massive shield, she embodied the spirit of a warrior. Many whispered about her as the "barbarian princess" because of her mixed heritage, but they dared not utter the title in her presence. The title she preferred was the "zealot princess." Her unwavering devotion to her belief in the church of Light and her fervent dedication to her people were evident in her every action.

The princess, known for her zealotry, requested the party's presence at the Penitentiary of Absolution and Inner Light (PAIN). Within the walls of PAIN, a renowned institution for the rehabilitation of heretics and criminals, they would witness a unique method of purification. The penitentiary employed an ancient artifact, a radiant crystal of pure light, to creatively cleanse the sinners of their heresy and transgressions. It was an awe-inspiring sight as the brilliance of the artifact enveloped the inmates, casting out darkness and fostering inner transformation. The princess believed fervently in the power of this process, seeing it as a divine path towards redemption and salvation.

Dwarven night soil cleaner

Seeking respite from the princess’ zealous machinations, the party ventured into the sprawling slums of the capital. As they explored the narrow, dimly lit alleyways, they stumbled upon a grizzled dwarven night soil cleaner, who accused them of being thugs and traitors. Accusations were hurled, tempers flared, and before they knew it, they found themselves ambushed by a group of assailants. With blades clashing and missiles flying, the party fought fiercely to defend themselves. After the dust settled and the attackers lay defeated, they discovered a cryptic flier, meticulously coded and hinting at a secretive organization operating within the city's underbelly. Intrigued by this newfound clue, the party realized they had stumbled upon a web of intrigue and mystery that extended far beyond their initial expectations.